I am looking for practices and experiences of decoloniality in the aid sector, in advocacy and in research.

My podcast “Living Decoloniality” made it to two complete seasons, and it was especially thanks to a semi-spontaneous snowballing that I could meet people from all over the world who drove me through their reflections and practice.

Now I am ready to start recording a third season, and I am asking my LinkedIn Network for support.

What am I looking for:

  • People and groups that are challenging mainstream narratives on principles and practices in the aid sector, and that are proposing alternatives;
  • People and groups that are reflecting on the coloniality embedded in their professional and personal world, and are trying to experiment other possibilities;
  • People who are researching and producing tools linked to decoloniality, pluriversality, democratization and inclusivity of processes and practices;
  • People who know people that are doing anything of the above.

The nationality stated in your passport is not an important factor, your reflexivity is.
If you are not sure that your experience is what LD is looking for, please contact me, and we’ll have a conversation.

    Please note: Living Decoloniality is not benefitting from financial sponsorship